Complete Flexible Crankshaft Manufacturing Line
Call +44 (0) 1505 850 229
CNC Crankshaft Multi-Slide Machining Center (Niles Simmons N30 MCM-2500)
CNC Twin-Head Crankshaft Milling Centre (Niles Simmons N30 CM-1.500)
CNC Crankshaft Turn-Broaching Machine (Niles Simmons N30 TB-1.500)
CNC Crankshaft Grinding Machine (Junker JUCRANK 6000/50/50, 5000/50, 6S 50-50)
CNC Universal Crankshaft Main and Pin Bearing Grinding Machine (Junker)
CNC Universal Crankshaft Fine Turning and Roller Burnishing Machine (Hegenscheidt)
CNC 3-Spindle Crankshaft Deep Drilling Machine (TBT BW 250-3)
CNC Crankshaft External Cylindrical and Plung-Cut Grinding Machine (Junker JUMAT 5000/60)
CNC Gear Shaping Machine (Pfauter GP 130 S)
CNC Crankshaft Cut-to-Length, Facing, and Centering Machine (LiCon LIFLEX 446-6/60)
CNC Crankshaft Control-Balancing Machine (Hofmann UHK 12 – ZM1)
CNC Crankshaft Polishing Machine (Supfina 720/1)
CNC Lathe (Niles Simmons N30-1.500)
Deburring Station with Robot Handling (Reis / KUKA)
Induction-Hardening System (SMS-Elotherm EM 16 PI/190/750/30 AKWH-F)
Industrial Parts Washing Machines (Dürr)
Stress-Releasing Oven (Nolzen PHUT 125/393/274)
Parts Washing Station (Weller Zwischenreinigungsmodul KW)
Paternoster Storage System (HEAENEL Lean-Lift 124.971/4-8)
Shaft Measuring Centers (Hommel, Frenco)
Shaft Inspection Unit (Hommel / Trumpf)
End Machining Center (Hommel AM V 923 V)
Manual Shaft Measuring Device (IBB Premion M8)
Coolant and Filtering Units (FAUDI RSF 3-fach, RMF 3-fach)
Crankshaft Balancing Machines (Hofmann KHK 21-ZM 1, KHK 21-BL1)
Laser-Marking Station (Baublis / Trumpf ID 25 I/NC 10 X 80)
Automatic Abrasive Cutting Machine (METKON Servocut 502-AX)
Dry-Cleaning Units (VOLKMANN TRA 01003 – multiple units)
Oil-Mist Extraction Units (Keller OENA-D 20)
Coolant-Emulsion-Mist-Separator (Keller ENA-D-15V)
Manipulators (PURTEC 45kg, 80kg)
Crane / Handling Units (PURTEC, DEMAG)
Assembly Station (PAUL KOESTER)
Complete Gantry and Parts Handling System of Crankshaft Line
Condition | Used |